We Customize a Rescue/Safety Program for Your Specific Site/Case

Industrial Safety

CPR would welcome the opportunity to collaborate with your Safety Team.

Together, our organizations are uniquely positioned to develop on-site technical rescue and medical capabilities for remote or hazardous projects.

Safety/Rescue Training & Certification

Certified Paramedic Response (CPR) courses are client specific onsite training. Upon a request for training, CPR will provide the client with a formal proposal that is based on the client’s input and worksite rescue potential.

Wildland Fire Support

CPR has a vast number of employees with years of experience in medical and wildland to provide exceptional care for personnel working on a wildland assignment.

Trusted Professionals

We have the knowledge and expertise to help you walk through the rescue, safety and inspection process better than anyone.  With over 100 years of combined experience, we have helped countless industries navigate the waters of the rescue and safety process successfully. 

Certified Paramedic Response Partners

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